At HobbyLink Japan, we strive to provide you with the best shopping experience possible. However, we understand that sometimes an item may arrive with missing or damaged parts. If this is the case for your order, we apologize for any inconvenience and are happy to help you request replacement parts from the supplier.
To begin the process, we require some visual proof of the issue. Please contact us here within 10 days of arrival of your order. Please send:
- Clear photos of the product you received, making sure that everything in the kit is visible in one picture.
- Separate close-up photos of the problem parts or areas.
- A picture of your item next to your invoice or shipping label.
It is important that you explain the exact problem in detail. This information will be passed on to our internal team to help them better understand the issue. As we do not have the item in our hands and cannot examine it closely, a detailed description is especially important.
Once we have received the necessary information, we will make a request to one of our suppliers for the replacement parts.
Please note that we are required to comply with the supplier's discretion, which may impact the outcome of your request. We may also reject replacement claims in situations such as:
- Issues that fall within acceptable range of quality
- Damage due to mishandling
- Damage that occurred during assembly