I can't log in to my account

If you have forgotten your password, or if you are having trouble logging in, you can reset your password by clicking here.
The password is case-sensitive, so please be sure your caps lock key is not stuck on when you enter your password.
If you are using any plug-ins (such as Adblocker) with your browser, or trying to access through some mobile devices, some aspects of our web site may not work. Please disable any plug-ins, clear all cookies and empty your browser's cache, refresh your browser, and try again. For best results, please do not use a mobile device.

After that, if you are positive that you are using the correct login information but still cannot access your HLJ.com account, please contact us, writing directly from the email address you registered for your HLJ account. 

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    I have been trying to log into my account all day and I'm having no luck, I've used different computers and browsers, just keeps saying my info doesn't exist....Pls help

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    I am having the same issue!!! I am trying to ship my products and I need them for my sons birthday next week. What is going on!?

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    Erick Cesar Flores Ramos

    El mismo problema no puedo ingresar a mi cuenta que ocurre