If your tracking information shows that your package is in "Retention," or if your tracking information has not updated in a long time, you'll need to contact your local post office. This status typically means that your package is being held for Customs inspection or other reasons. Retrieving your package from the post office is the sole responsibility of the customer. HobbyLink Japan cannot contact your post office for you.
If your package has recently shipped and tracking information is not displayed, please allow for up to 72 hours before the tracking number appears in the tracking system.
If your package has recently shipped and the tracking information displayed appears to be unrelated or incorrect, please allow for up to 72 hours for the correct information to be displayed. This is a result of some tracking numbers being "recycled" by couriers after previous shipments in their system have been completed. The new shipment should override the previous information shortly.
If your package is Unregistered Airmail Small Pack:
Please note that this shipping method does not provide any tracking functionality. The number provided for this order is not a tracking number, but a unique identifier number for packages that Japan Post provides service for. For shipping times, please see the following article in our Help Center: https://support.hlj.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001861474-Shipping-Methods-Overview
Please contact your post office for:
- Information about Customs fees
- Information regarding retained packages
- Inquiries regarding any tracking status update
Please only contact us if:
- Your post office is requesting documentation from us in order to release your package
- Your post office is unable to locate your package
- Your post office is sending your package back to us
- You need HobbyLink Japan to file a formal investigation for you
(HobbyLink Japan must wait a minimum of 30-90 days, depending on the shipping method, before filing for an investigation)
In the Japanese postal service there is an article about the temporary postponement of the delivery of airmail to Mexico due to the earthquake that occurred in September of this year, but it has been 3 months since it happened. What is the procedure to follow so that my shipment reaches me? thank you very much